KNOWLEDGE IN PRODUCTION [1] At a certain stage of their development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with ... the property relations within which they have been at work hitherto. From forms of development of the forces of production these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an epoch of social revolution. With the change of the economic foundation the entire immense superstructure is more or less rapidly transformed. -- Karl Marx [2] But if robots indeed are able to take the place of human labor, critical questions arise. -- _San Francisco Examiner_ [3] INTRODUCTION The designations "Information Age," "Second Industrial Revolution" and "Electronics Revolution" are all attempts at uniting under one banner the totality of recent developments in computers, digital telecommunications, robotics, bioengineering and materials science. Use of the word "revolution" recognizes the nature of these new technologies as qualitatively different from that which has gone before. Technology can de defined as the sum "of the means employed to provide objects necessary for human sustenance and comfort."[4] As such, "technology" comprises not only the machinery and tools required for production, but also workers' skills and the organization of production. In this paper, we hold that the technologies of this new era are distinguished from technologies of the industrial age by their high _knowledge_ content -- they can be characterized as knowledge-intensive. This distinction, which will be explored in more detail later, is warranted for two converging reasons. First, our widening understanding of Nature, especially in the life and material sciences, is yielding dramatic benefits in productivity, thereby reducing labor, machinery and raw material requirements in production. Second, the ability to _record_ workers' skills (another form of knowledge), and encode it using digital electronics into the instruments of production, and to _play back_ the knowledge in the absence of humans, reduces labor requirements in production. With the diminishing contributions of machinery and raw materials and labor, knowledge emerges as the dominating component in production. We consider in this paper the implications for the organization of production based on knowledge-intensive technologies. As knowledge's role in production becomes dominant, it threatens the stability and viability of a system organized around the exchange of goods based on ability to pay. Briefly put, the new technologies undermine current social relations. This paper pays particular attention to the effect on labor. *** For the purposes of this paper, we define _data_ as raw perceptions captured by some data-collection device. The Landsat satellite, for example, is capable of photographing the entire Earth's surface every two weeks, and has been operating for 20 years. Ninety-five percent of the images have never been seen by human eyes.[5] _Information_ is data with human labor applied to it. In its broadest sense, information includes experiences, perceptions, symbols, imagery, signals, and data that have been collected, organized, perhaps analyzed, and then expressed in some form. The key point here is that information is the product of human intellectual activity -- effort has been expended to put the data into a form capable of satisfying some need or want. Using the Landsat example, the satellite photographs that have been examined and cataloged would qualify as "information." Information also includes transactions, customer lists, mail, news, research reports, and so forth. _Knowledge_ is a further refinement of information. It too is a product of human labor. It is information that has been systematized and integrated, organized so that it is relevant to natural and social processes. Pursuing the Landsat example, an understanding of weather patterns, climate trends, mineral deposits, or land usage might be examples of knowledge derived from the cataloged and studied photographs. In this paper we focus on knowledge as a component of production.[6] THE NATURE OF KNOWLEDGE IN PRODUCTION Production cannot take place without knowledge. Some understanding of the production process is required so that production can take place. Just as knowledge enables production, more knowledge enhances it, i.e., it increases productivity. In one of its most obvious forms, additional knowledge, in the form of a worker's superior skill, enables him or her to accomplish a task more quickly, more easily, and with less waste. Knowledge in production takes many forms. In addition to being brought to the production process by the worker as _skills_, it might be contained in the _organization_ of production like the "assembly line" or the "work team," or in the _design_ of tools or machinery, or in the production _process_, or in the chemical _formulae_ or in the molecular _structure_ of a composite material or the DNA _sequence_ of a bioengineered protein, or in the software _algorithm_. Knowledge might be represented by the conservation _techniques_, or _methods_ of utilizing waste and by-products, or inventory management _theories_. Knowledge mobilizes the benefits of nature. Scientific and technological knowledge -- the universe as understood by society -- is Nature's bounty discovered. It deepens or enhances or enlarges the environment in which production (and all other human activity) takes place. Knowledge has a _material_ basis. Knowledge cannot exist separate from some material "container" -- memory, books, computer disks, and so on. Knowledge, in and of itself, cannot create a house or a loaf of bread or a computer. Its usefulness only manifests itself through the production process. Knowledge can only generate useful things by having labor apply it during production. Knowledge can be disseminated, but be useless without the labor to apply it. Knowledge has a _social_ origin -- it is the result of people interacting. Technology and invention are not the products of solitary inventors or scientists; rather, inventors and scientists build on the past accomplishments, experiences and discoveries of generations of scientists, engineers, authors, production workers, and so on. Finally, we should note that knowledge has peculiar qualities which distinguish it from labor, machinery, raw materials, and other components of production. Two people can simultaneously use some bit of knowledge, it can be duplicated ad infinitum at almost no cost, it can circulate around the globe in seconds, it is not "consumed" or exhausted as it is used, and the more it is shared, the more it grows.[7] These qualities give knowledge a unique and subversive role in commodity production. *** Throughout history, humans labor, and as a result of that labor, society learns more about the Universe. The amount of knowledge increases. This knowledge shows up in technology. The development of the means of production is the accumulation of the experience of workers, refined by them into knowledge, and congealed in technology. One of the general processes throughout the evolution of technology has been the transference of human skills and attributes to the machinery and techniques used in production. The need for humans as a source of physical power began to disappear with the domestication of animals and the harnessing of wind and water power. Later, the need for humans as a dexterous manipulator of materials began to disappear with the development of machinery that used gears, ratchets, springs, cams, etc. to replicate human motion. Most recently, the human functions of "operator" and "decision- maker" have been usurped as the worker's knowledge is abstracted and programmed into numerical control ROMs, and the decision- making is replaced by "artificial intelligence" programs. This last stage has only been possible with the development of cybernetics, information theory, transistors, and a host of other technologies in the period around World War II. These technologies laid the basis for replicating functions of the human brain in inanimate electronic equivalents harnessed to machinery. With the invention in the late 1960's of low-cost programmable microprocessors and memory chips, knowledge could be converted into sequences of computer code and processed by semiconductors at a speed of millions of simple instructions per second to direct machinery. In the past, the machine operator served as guide and overseer, steering and monitoring -- qualities difficult to reproduce using only mechanical means. But the advent of new technologies allowed the machine operator's function to be abstracted and encoded, eliminating the need for an operator at all. Thus began the assault on the last outpost occupied by humans in the production process. One key factor of knowledge-intensive production, then, is that the human aspect of production is "recorded", as it were, digitized, and _now capable of being "replayed" ad infinitum_. Knowledge becomes a "direct force of production."[8] What remains of the laboring process is the ever-shrinking pool of tasks like servicing or designing that are still beyond the dexterity or "programmability" of evolving technology; or tasks for which the cost of the automated machinery exceeds the labor required to carry it out. The knowledge brought to mass manufacturing by workers (in the form of skills) or embodied in the machinery do not comprise the total required: knowledge is also embedded in the organization of production itself. The traditional assembly line was set-up once after which it ran without variation for month after month. Workers were consigned one task. Change necessitated extensive revision and readjustment. Current trends such as "lean production" are not hard-coded in this way but are intentionally malleable so that they can take advantage of new knowledge as it becomes available. This "new knowledge" appears as the outcome of ever-evolving experience with a particular manufacturing process; or as changes ordered by management; and -- a recent "innovation" -- the taking and rewarding of input from those who actually carry-out the work. In the latter case, a "neotaylorism" emerges, where instead of the dictates coming down from above as they did in the past, workers in teams on the shop floor study ways to tailor themselves more tightly to the task. A production system with more knowledge applied to it will be more productive. Differentials in labor, energy and material costs of course are important, but it is not these factors that are credited for the marketplace success, say, of Japanese manufacturers, the originators of 'lean' (i.e., knowledge- intensive) production methods. "A critical point was reached [in the development of production technologies] when the American automobile industry finally acknowledged that Japanese firms had established a real production advantage based on the more effective use of capital -- that is, in the effective organization of labor and equipment -- not on low-cost labor."[9] *** In knowledge-intensive production, significant amounts of scientific research (mental labor) are carried out outside of and prior to actual production. The product of research is then brought to production in the forms of designs, new materials, techniques, algorithms, biotechnologies, etc. The products of this scientific effort employ a deeper understanding of natural processes, down to the molecular and atomic level. Some new materials "remember" qualities when exposed to light or temperature changes; others are super-conductive; still others facilitate data transmission at the speed of light. Toffler describes this leap in productive forces: "Second Wave industries used brute force technologies -- they punched, hammered, rolled, beat, chipped and chopped, drilled and battered raw materials into the shapes we needed or wanted ... The Third Wave industries operate at an altogether deeper level. Instead of banging something into shape, we reach back into the material itself and reprogram if to assume the shape we desire."[10] As a result, "new materials and biotechnologies, along with information technologies, undercut the value of many existing sources of natural resources, since they allow the replacement of one material with another, or permit the more efficient use of already available objects."[11] Intellectual work beforehand substitutes for material (and labor, as described above) in production. This has always been the case, but the rate of substitution has accelerated, and its application is facilitated by new technologies (e.g., telecommunications technologies disperse them, and flexible manufacturing methods enable their ready implementation). Developments in science and technology reinforce the fact that we have made a radical break with our industrial past. Electronic technology and cybernetics enable instructions and information to be coded in digital electrical pulses, instead of gears, ratchets and springs. The result is components (e.g. digital communication switches) that do not suffer from friction or fatigue, and operate at speeds and load levels orders of magnitude greater than their mechanical counterparts. A constantly repeating sequence of instructions does not wear out a processor chip the way repeated actions eventually wear out a piston or camshaft.[12] Beyond solid-state electronics, the developing field of "molecular electronics" utilizes the properties of proteins and bacteria in production.[13] The possibility of bacteria tirelessly creating polymers in a laboratory vat (now a possibility), without the cost of locating, drilling, pumping, transporting and processing oil to achieve the same result suggests a level of productivity that is qualitatively different from previous forms of productive forces. Or consider the particular case of the computer software industry. Software, the instructions that direct machinery, is knowledge encoded. It is distilled experience and learning listed out in instructions for hardware. Forty years ago, there was no software industry. In 1990, the global market for packaged software was estimated at $43 billion, and is expected to reach $100 billion by 1995.[14] But where does software stop and hardware begin? The distinction becomes fuzzy when machinery incorporates chips with instructions "burned into" them. Chip masks for semiconductor production have been legally defined as a form of writing, and once a mask of acceptable quality is developed, becomes something like a printing plate for reproducing chips (and money). Even the metals and composite ceramics used in production are now spoken of as being "smart", as in, "[t]he smarter the material, the less it weighs."[15] *** In examining the nature of knowledge in production, we might look for quantitative measurements to justify calling the new technologies "knowledge-intensive." Knowledge (admittedly a soft term) can take the form of "already known" knowledge, in the form of existing technology, training, education, copies of software, etc., or of "newly known" knowledge, the results of research and development. The extensive training required to master new technologies, and the need for ongoing education to keep current with a given field indicates the volume of "already known" knowledge required for contemporary production. Or one might use the number of instructions built into a machine in a state-of-the-art factory, or years of education per worker to measure "knowledge-intensity." One measurement of "newly known" knowledge might be the relative portion of _design_ effort that goes into a product, versus the actual _production_ effort. "[I]nformation, design, research and development and software represent a growing proportion of the value of most products," note the authors of _Beyond the Casino Economy_, an analysis of Great Britain's economy. "As the importance of research and development rises relative to that of direct production, the purpose of labour is increasingly the production of knowledge, in the form of designs or production processes."[16] The recording of knowledge in the form of software makes up ever greater proportions of pivotal tools and industries. Software becomes a larger and larger cost of increasingly complex production systems: "Software now accounts for about 80 percent of the development expense for new systems," according to _Computer Design_ magazine in 1987.[17] Even in manufacturing, software plays a central role. "Retooling", with the new "flexible manufacturing systems", simply means changing the software that guides the machines. The assembly-line (hardware) remains unchanged. The robots, hardly pausing, begin exercising different actions in obeyance of the newly-loaded programs. Scott Lash has suggested that the number of models per design serves as a crude indicator of the relative amount of knowledge that goes into a good. I.e., a model of a car of which only 10,000 "copies" are made has a higher design or knowledge content than a model of which 20,000 are made.[18] The trend in manufacturing has been towards smaller production runs, with more frequent model changes, suggesting therefore a higher design/knowledge content. Finally, we might look at employment statistics as an indicator of the changing character of the productive forces. By 2000, one study estimates that two-thirds of the employed workforce in the U.S. will be working in education/knowledge/information-related jobs, while manufacturing, commerce and industry will account for only 22%, and agriculture for 2%. In 1920, 9% worked in information/knowledge/education jobs; 53% in manufacturing; and 28% in agriculture.[19] But the lines between these categories are blurring as the knowledge component in each sector increases. In a report on high-tech tractors, a modern farmer was quoted, "Farming you used to do with your back; now you use your mind."[20] KNOWLEDGE IN THE PRODUCTION OF COMMODITIES A common problem in discussing "knowledge" as a factor in production is determining its "value," and what value it adds to goods during production. Toffler, for example, says that "knowledge adds value."[21] But what _is_ "value"? An economics textbook defines "value added" as simply "the revenue from selling a product minus the amounts paid for goods and services purchased from other firms."[22] This definition is unsatisfactory. Is "value" only realized through the "selling" and the "purchasing" -- in the realm of circulation? What about the production process? Is value really only tied to the vagaries of fluctuating supply and demand? What if the "goods and services" can't be sold, say, because potential users do not have the money to purchase the product? Does the product therefore have less (or no) value? Recognizing the central role of commodities in capitalism, Marx began _Capital_ with an extended analysis of the question of the "value" of commodities. He identified two different kinds of "value" in commodities. In order to be exchanged, a commodity must fulfill some need or want for another human being. Marx called this subjective and qualitative aspect of a commodity its _use value_. At the same time, in order to exchange goods of different use values, Marx argued that there needs to be some common basis of assessing a value of the commodities, some quantitative, measurable aspect. Marx identifies "socially necessary labor" as that "thing" common to all commodities. It represents the amount of abstract human labor added during production, and the "dead" labor embodied in the raw materials and machinery used up during production. Marx called this aspect of commodities _exchange value_. The purpose of production, the reason that humans come together and engage in economic activity, Marx argued, is to create use values, to satisfy needs and wants. The process of production, however, is the expenditure of past and present human labor, measured as exchange value. The exchange value of _knowledge_, then, is the "socially necessary labor" that goes into the research, the analysis, and the expression required to develop it.[23] Marx defines "socially necessary labor" as "that required to produce an article under the normal conditions of production, and with the average degree of skill and intensity prevalent at the time."[24] The concept of "socially necessary labor" that defines the exchange value of a commodity recognizes an "average" technology stage or platform upon which production takes place. The "socially necessary labor" then, implies also a certain common level of knowledge about production processes. The use of computerized typesetting in newspaper production, robotics in automobile manufacture, or crop rotation in agriculture are examples of a technology platform. Some producers may be ahead of the average, because of some special knowledge or technique, and some may be behind the average, because they are unaware of a technique, or have not invested in state-of-the-art technology. A commodity made by a worker employed by the "behind the average" company with outdated technology or using outdated techniques does not have more value because the worker took longer to make it. _Nor does the commodity have less value if an especially productive worker, using state-of-the-art equipment with the latest techniques takes less time to make it_. In the latter example, a capitalist enterprise can realize extra profit from use of some particular knowledge as long as the knowledge enables him to produce commodities whose value is less than the "average" value of that commodity from all producers, both slow and fast, both backward and advanced. The advanced producer's commodities contain less than the socially necessary labor -- the enterprise ahead of the innovation wave is producing commodities more cheaply than its competitors, but selling them at the same price on the market. Thus, certain kinds of knowledge become sought-after resources; and competition drives forward technological development, although in a haphazard and socially hazardous way, because maximum profitability is the overriding goal. Once knowledge becomes the new social average (that is, it becomes widely disseminated so now everyone is using the new technique), its ability to enable the innovator to accumulate extra profit is lost. To _maximize_ profit from knowledge, then, the capitalist must enjoy the _exclusive_ use of it. In order to preserve the value of knowledge for the originator, knowledge used in production must be contained, and prevented from becoming the social average. The innovator tries to keep new techniques that give the firm an advantage hidden from competitors. At the same time, however, competing capitalists want to get hold of the newest technology to effectively compete. The patent and copyright system was developed, and continues to develop through laws and the courts, to attempt to resolve these two contradictory demands by competing capitalists -- _protection of profit_ (protecting the producer of the knowledge or technology) vs. _access to profits_ (access by competitors who want the knowledge or technology).[25] Copyrights and patents are the legal mechanisms for maintaining exclusive rights to a particular technique. They are treated as assets on company balance sheets, and represent sources of revenue, like mineral deposits or trade routes or right-of-ways. The economics of "knowledge production" are such that the initial version requires a substantial investment (a high fixed cost), but subsequent copies have a relatively low reproduction cost.[26] Thus, the exclusive, original copy of the knowledge has high exchange value. But just as machinery loses value as cheaper versions come into use, copies of knowledge, because of the relatively low cost of duplicating knowledge (hence cheaper versions of the original), quickly depreciate the exchange value of the original knowledge.[27] For subsequent users, the knowledge, once it's become the social average (i.e., widely known or distributed) continues to add to the mass of use values, but transfers little or no exchange value to commodities in the course of production. Each copy (book, computer disk, tape, etc.) of "knowledge" consumes almost no material relative to its development cost, so has little exchange value to transfer to the final product. Compare this with, say, a machine cutting tool. Each "copy" of the cutting tool consumes additional steel, energy, labor, and so forth, so it may have a substantial exchange value to transfer to the final product. A century and a half ago, Marx noted that "[a]ll means of production supplied by Nature without human assistance such as land, water, metals in situ, and timber in virgin forests" fall into a category of things which transfer use value, without transferring exchange value.[28] Elsewhere, Marx referred to the "gratuitous" work of machines, the result of the machinery mobilizing natural forces.[29] He also recognized that "the productive forces resulting from cooperation and division of labor cost capital nothing. They are natural forces of social production. So also physical forces, like steam, water, etc. when appropriated to productive processes cost nothing."[30] "Cooperation" and "division of labor" -- learned ideas of how to organize production -- are examples of knowledge. Once discovered, knowledge costs nothing (i.e., transfers little or no exchange value), but enhances productivity, and thus adds to the mass of use values. This is the character of contemporary productive forces. So when Toffler says that "knowledge adds value," he is correct in the sense that it adds to the mass of _use_ values. But in another sense he is wrong, because knowledge reduces the _exchange_ value of commodities. Adding machinery to production increases the constant portion of capital. It is development based on expansion of requirements -- more raw materials, more fixed capital. Knowledge, on the other hand, _reduces_ the constant portion of capital and production requirements, while at the same time _expanding_ output. The cost of computing power, for example, has plummeted because of new materials and new designs.[31] Miniaturization, computerized controls, conservation techniques and new composite "smart" materials reduce raw material and energy requirements in manufacturing and agriculture. Computerized inventory control and digital telecommunications reduce inventory requirements and speed the turnover of capital. Some economists assign a majority, and in some countries, over 75%, of the postwar economic growth in the West to improved productivity via technology, as opposed to growth resulting from increased inputs like more labor, raw materials and machinery.[32] Knowledge, as a special form of information, now dominates production itself, and overwhelms the contributions from traditional inputs to the final product.[33] THE IMPACT ON LABOR The twofold process we have been describing -- knowledge-intensive production is able to "record" and "play back" human effort many times in the absence, for all practical purposes, of human beings; and at the same time, knowledge mobilizes the "in situ" benefits of Nature, extracting use values possessing little or no exchange values -- points to the elimination of labor from production. Exchange value is the measure of human labor power consumed in production. A drop in exchange value represents a drop in human labor requirements. Concretely, new technologies affect the labor market in different ways. Forester identifies four "causes of concern" regarding the impact of high technology on jobs. These include (1) traditional manufacturing jobs (e.g., in automobile and steel production) are disappearing, and will never come back; (2) new manufacturing industries will not create many new jobs, because of automation; (3) there are doubts about the capacity of the service sector to create any more new jobs; and (4) the high tech sector itself, even though it might grow, will create only a modest number of jobs.[34] Under capitalism, one of the primary reasons for introducing new technology is to reduce costs (towards maximizing profit), including labor costs. The greater the savings, the greater the incentive to innovate. Robotics and numerical control technology enables firms to eliminate high-paid production jobs. In a recent interview, Heidi and Alvin Toffler describe a new factory in Israel. It "is a cutting tool factory that doesn't have a single worker in it. Even machines get their parts from a robot that goes from machine to machine and resupplies them." What work is done is moving information around either as "technical specialists" or helping the products circulate, "working in bookkeeping or in sales."[35] The Next computer factory in Fremont, California "requires only five manual-assembly workers and fewer than a hundred other workers, mostly engineers, for a line capable producing $1 billion of computers a year."[36] Better data access and analysis as a result of computers, improved telecommunications, and networking enable firms to also eliminate middle-management positions. Digital telecommunications, improved transportation technology, and modern manufacturing methods enable the globalization of production and the labor market. This makes it economically feasible to transfer work (that can be moved, like manufacturing, as opposed to work that cannot be moved, like personal services) to cheaper labor markets; and at the same time squeezes domestic wages. Recent figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that the same number of people will be employed in manufacturing in 2000 as in 1970. This means that the number of people employed in manufacturing, as a percent of total employment, will shrink from 24% in 1970 to 14% at the turn of the century. From 1970 to 1988, however, manufacturing output has remained a steady 20% or so of the GNP, while the output, in constant dollars, has grown by more than 50%. Other figures indicate that, over the last ten years alone, 1 million manufacturing jobs have disappeared in the U.S. In 1982 dollars, the average weekly earnings (including overtime) for private industry production and non-supervisory workers was $298 in 1970; in 1989 it was $264, an 11% drop.[37] Fewer manufacturing workers are producing more, and in general, making less. At the same time a relatively small, well-paid, knowledge-rich (highly skilled) section are still eagerly sought after by firms. "Not all parts of the labor market are shrinking. Engineers and technicians are still in demand, depending on their specialty, even at companies that otherwise are paring workers."[38] The working class is splitting into a well-paid, knowledge-rich (highly skilled) section that works in capital-intensive design and production work, and a larger, relatively low-skilled (or no- skilled) section consigned to work that is too expensive to automate, with an ever-widening gulf growing in between.[39] The polarization of income has been dramatic. A recent _Business Week_ article points out that "it's only those in the top 20% who show a respectable gain in real incomes over the 15-year span." The bottom 60% have seen their incomes drop, while the richest 5% have seen their income grow 60%, while the richest 1% have seen rates of growth twice that.[40] Whole sections of the U.S. population are being cast out of the sphere of production. The cast-outs are neither consumers nor producers; they aren't even needed as a "reserve army of the unemployed." Drugs, disease, illiteracy, homelessness, or prison are their lot. "High-wage slavery is being replaced by low-wage slavery. Low-wage slavery is being replaced with no-wage slavery -- people who work without wages, but who are 'paid' in survival coupons."[41] The members of this latter group are marginally maintained by society through shrinking welfare payments and food stamps, and forced to earn their meager keep through modern versions of slavery like workfare or prison labor.[42] The "cost of production" of marginalized workers exceeds their usefulness as laborers -- in the logic of capitalism, they are people with no value.[43] The "well-paid, knowledge-rich" section of the working class is by no means immune from the pressures on wages and "redundancy" originating in the information economy. Behind the drive for object-oriented programming (OOP), for example, is the need to cut costs and raise productivity by bringing software production techniques at least to the level of the interchangeable part -- something achieved in industrial production 150 years ago. A _Business Week_ editorial argued, "There's already evidence that object-oriented programming can help corporate computing departments reduce the outlandish amounts of money and time spent on creating their own programs. This could spell substantial savings, since corporations now spend most of their information- technology budgets on software -- about 60% more than they spend on hardware, according to market researchers."[44] The next technological step beyond OOP is computer-aided software engineering (CASE), which could bring software production up to the electronic age, by having computers themselves write the software.[45] The current recession has pummeled the electronics industry, as much as any other. IBM has announced that an additional 20,000 jobs will be cut in 1992, on top of the 20,000 cut in 1991. IBM will have eliminated 75,000 jobs -- almost 20% of its workforce -- since 1986. Some 90,000 jobs were lost nationally in the electronics industry during the year ending in September, 1991.[46] The mini- and mainframe computer companies like Digital, Bull, Wang, Burroughs, Tandem, Amdahl and IBM have been victims of the rapid "downsizing" (replacing large, old computer systems with small, cheap, more powerful systems) in hardware and software driven by new technology and the recession.[47] Under the euphemism of "restructuring", workers in these technology firms are being cut loose, ironically due, in part, to even more powerful computer technology. There is also no reason why data entry, computer programming or data analysis cannot be done in low-wage areas like India, Ireland, or Eastern Europe, with the product of the labor, computer code or data, transmitted instantaneously electronically to customers on the other side of the world.[48] A recent _Wall Street Journal_ article described how data processing and other "back-office work" is being moved offshore to cheaper labor markets. It's not only low-skilled data entry work that's moving. Wright Investor Services has 85 employees in its Shannon [Ireland] office. Most of them are young financial analysts earning less than the equivalent of $20,000 a year organizing financial information from companies around the world for Wright's databases. That is far preferable to hiring American business school graduates at $45,000... It is precisely these kinds of higher-level jobs -- financial analysts and technicians -- that the Irish government is trying to attract. And much the same can be said for Jamaica, Singapore and, for that matter, many U.S. communities. So the future may bring intensified worldwide competition for these high-skill computer-based tasks.[49] The article goes on to describe how software developer Quarterdeck employs 20 workers in Ireland to field nearly a thousand technical support calls a week. During the day, calls are handled by the U.S. staff, "but after hours, the head office [in California] throws a switch and the calls are routed automatically to Ireland." Intercontinental Software in Palo Alto, California, founded by a Bulgarian emigre, brokers well-trained but relatively inexpensive East European programmers for American firms seeking to lower software development costs.[50] CONCLUSION Knowledge costs almost nothing to duplicate, especially if it appears in digital form. As a greater percentage of goods become knowledge, the nature of production as resource-exhaustive, labor- consuming, and scarcity-bound becomes obsolete. The new productive forces are resource-conservative yet generate an abundance. "Ownership" becomes an irrelevant concept if many people can possess the same thing simultaneously. Property rights as we have known them simply get in the way, and hold back development. The holding back takes many forms: incompatible standards that needlessly complicate learning new skills and sharing information; unnecessary and wasteful duplication of research and development; expensive lawsuits, ultimately paid for by the consumer, over ownership of interfaces; increased surveillance to catch "information pirates"; decreased access to public information as databases are privatized and information is commodified; skewed priorities as profitability and not social need are the determining factor in research, development and distribution of knowledge; and even the criminalization of knowledge itself as it is classified as weaponry, lest it get into the wrong minds.[51] Society is harmed, and social development is held back. With fewer jobs and lower wages as a result of the new knowledge- intensive forces of production, the circulation of commodities in exchange for wages becomes impossible. Wages are simply not high enough nor extensive enough to absorb the productivity of the economy. Private property laws separate the destitute worker from the means of survival. So apartments sit empty, while homeless people sleep in doorways or in prison-like shelters.[52] Food sits in warehouses or is destroyed, while children suffer from malnutrition. Illiteracy rates climb while teachers are laid off. Meanwhile, the capitalist scrambles to protect his position by locking up knowledge, by looking for new areas to commodify and convert into sources of profit, and by further revolutionizing production. More workers are laid off, or jobs eliminated through "early retirement;" this only exacerbates the crisis. A. Sivanandan describes the revolution in technology as "emancipating" capital from labor. [T]he more Labour tries to hold Capital in thrall by withholding its labour, the more Capital moves towards its emancipation through yet more information technology, yet more labour-less productive regimes, yet more recourse to the captive labour force in the periphery. The relations of production, that is, have changed with the changes in the level of the productive forces: information (in the sense of data fed to computers, robots, etc.) increasingly replaces labour as a factor of production; Capital no longer needs living labour as before, not in the same numbers, in the same place, at the same time; Labour can no longer organise on that basis, it has lost its economic clout and, with it, whatever political clout it had, whatever determinancy it could exercise in the political realm... And this is what moves the battle from the economic to the political...[53] The problem becomes not how to produce wealth, but how to distribute it. As such, the struggle is not around wages, or job security per se -- economic struggles -- but around property relations and social relations, around the social contract and social convention of ownership, around social control and survival -- political issues. A syndicated article by Robert Lewis appeared in November 1990, in the _San Francisco Examiner_ (ironically, in the employment want ad section) with the headline "Will the age of the robots produce a workless society?" Imagine a society where material needs are provided by "smart" machines, where people manage to break the link that equates self-worth with a job and are able to live comfortably from the fruits of robot labor... Computer scientists Hans Moravec of Carnegie Mellon University and Kalman A. Toth, founder of the Silico-Magnetic Intelligence Corp., predict robots will be commonplace in 10 years. In 50 years they say, robots will have replaced most if not all human labor... Experts say the widespread entry of robots into the workplace could raise the living standards unlike any invention during the industrial revolution. But if robots indeed are able to take the place of human labor, critical questions arise. First, how should the wealth produced by enterprises operated with robot labor be distributed to those who don't work or who work part time? Toth says he envisions that non-workers would receive "citizen pay" on a basis that would have to be worked out... Between people's needs, and the immense productivity of the knowledge economy, stands a system of property relations. These relations are historical -- "private property," as a social convention, developed, not without much struggle during the beginning of the capitalist period in the 16th and 17th centuries.[54] Such a system of property relations was required for private ownership of means of production, and the protection of newly acquired wealth from both the feudal powers and the emerging "property-less" classes. There is nothing "natural" about property rights, nor are they universally recognized.[55] Rather, they are conventions struggled over, formally and informally, by various social forces. Different sections of society respond to these developments in different ways. Among the most destitute section of society, it takes the form of struggling to open empty HUD houses to the homeless, to distribute food in government warehouses to the hungry, or to provide livable welfare grants by raising taxes of the wealthy. Marx and many other writers have pointed out that social relations eventually must correspond to the level of productive forces. We now live in a time when productive forces have raced far ahead of social relations. The knowledge-intensive productive forces are straining against the chains of private property relations. The qualities of knowledge, to be fully maximized, require a system based on cooperation and sharing, because cooperation and sharing generates more information and social wealth. Such a system would emphasize education, because education builds the infrastructure for expanding social wealth. Such a system would require the distribution of goods on the basis of need, because the cost of production eliminates scarcity and wages. This, of course, is a radically different system. Then again, the technology we use to produce goods now is radically different. -------------------- FOOTNOTES 1. A version of this paper originally appeared in _Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing 1992 (DIAC-92) Symposium Proceedings_, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, Palo Alto, CA. 2. Karl Marx, "Preface to _A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy_." In _Selected Works_. p. 182. 3. R. Lewis. "Will the age of robots produce a workless society?" _San Francisco Examiner_. November, 1990. 4. _Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary_ (1975). 5. A.Gore, "Infrastructure for the Global Village." _Scientific American_. September, 1991. p. 151. 6. There are certainly other important aspects of information in today's economy. Large quantities of information are required to circulate goods in a global market; and information itself has become a commodity (D. Schiller, 1988). The reproduction of labor power requires transmitting the knowledge required to continue production, through the educational system and publishing. Entertaining and propagandizing to preserve the social order is handled by and large through "information industries," including the news media and entertainment industry. Methods of coercive social control (via the police and military) keep pace with technology as well. 7. Cleveland; also Toffler, _Previews and Premises_, p. 25. 8. "Nature builds no machines, no locomotives, railways, electric telegraphs, self acting mules etc. These are products of human industry; natural material transformed into organs of ... human participation in nature. They are _organs of the human brain, created by the human hand_; the power of knowledge objectified. The development of fixed capital indicates to what degree general social knowledge has become a _direct force of production_..." Karl Marx, _Grundrisse_, p. 706. [emphasis in original] 9. S. Cohen and J. Sysman, p. 118. See also footnote below, which indicates that manufacturing output in the U.S. continues to climb with fewer workers. 10. Toffler, _Previews and Premises_. p. 20. Toffler uses "waves" to describe in broad strokes these stages: the First Wave corresponds to the era of primarily agricultural-based manual labor; the Second Wave corresponds to mechanized industrial production; the Third Wave corresponds to the knowledge-intensive production based in electronics, biotechnology, and new materials (see _The Third Wave_). 11. Goldhaber, p. 61. 12. League for Programming Freedom, "Against Software Patents." 13. "A protein isolated from bacteria found in salt marshes is proving to be a promising device for data storage in a molecule... A group of researchers from Syracuse University reported they optically stored and retrieved data in three dimensions in a tiny block made of molecules of bacteriorhodapsin... " The article goes on to say that six 1-cm. cubes of the molecules can store the entire Library of Congress. Amal Kumar Naj, "Bacteria Protein May Help to Miniaturize Computers." _Wall Street Journal_. September 4, 1991. p. B-4. 14. _1991 U.S. Industrial Outlook_. U.S. Department of Commerce, January, 1991. p.28-15. These figures are for the "packaged software market", and do not include computer programming services or in-house computer programming. 15. Dieter Altehpohl, an executive with Alusuisse, quoted in Cleveland. 16. Costello, Michie, and Milne, 1989. A recent _Business Week _pointed out "automation has whittled hands-on labor to 15% of manufacturing costs, and in high-tech industries, it's closer to 5%." (Kelly, 1991) 17. Quoted in Hayes, p. 87. 18. S. Lash, 1991. 19. _New Jersey Bell Journal_, 1984, quoted in the Cleveland. 20. S. Rosenfeld, "'Smart tractors' transform farming," _San Francisco Examiner_, June 10, 1991. 21. _Powershift_, p. 82. 22. Baumol and Blinder, 1979. p. 322. 23. Workers who process information can create surplus value (i.e., are productive workers in the Marxist sense) -- researchers and data collectors are the miners of information production; programmers, the tool and die makers; computer operators, the forge hands; desktop publishers, the trim workers. 24. _Capital_, Volume I. p. 47. 25. See, e.g., Hindle and Lubar, 1986; Stallman, 1985; Wincor and Mandell, 1980. We are assuming here that the business is not the production of knowledge, like software companies. Their task is to sell the technology as widely as possible, while retaining ownership over the technology. 26. Knowledge-intensive companies like Microsoft (software) or Merck (pharmaceuticals) can be extremely profitable if they have a successful product. Microsoft has two-and-a-half times the profit of Apple on a third of the sales. (_Business Week_, November 18, 1991) Software companies are peculiar in that they carry virtually no fixed assets, and have little direct manufacturing costs. A computer program that takes person-years to develop can be duplicated in a matter of seconds using a personal computer. _Soft*letter_, a software-publishing industry newsletter recently surveyed its readership regarding manufacturing costs. "The typical personal-computer-software company now spends 18 percent of its revenues on what accountants call 'cost-of-goods sold,' a category that includes product components, manufacturing operations, fulfillment, and shipping." The median unit cost of software products (disks and manuals) was $10.20; for products in the $300 - $999 price range, it was $20.98. (Tarter, 1990) 27. "But in addition to the material wear and tear, a machine also undergoes what we may call a moral depreciation. It loses exchange-value, either by machines of the same sort being produced cheaper than it, or by better machines entering into competition with it. In both cases, be the machine ever so young and full of life, its value is no longer determined by the labour actually materialised in it, but by the labour-time requisite to reproduce either it or the better machine. It has, therefore, lost value more or less." (_Capital_, Volume I. p. 381.) 28. _Capital_, Volume I. p. 197. 29. "After making allowance [for wear and tear and auxiliary consumption like oil and coal, machines] each do their work gratuitously, just like the forces furnished by Nature without the help of man." (_Capital_, Volume I. p. 365.) 30. _Capital_, Volume I. p. 365. 31. See, e.g., Forester, 1987. 32. Berliner, 1976. 33. From this, it follows that, in a knowledge-based economy, the production and distribution of knowledge becomes the leading sector of the economy, much like the railroad sector of the late 19th century. 34. Forester, 1987. 35. "NeXTWORLD Interview: Alvin and Heidi Toffler", _NeXTWORLD_, Vol. 1, No. 2, March/April 1991. 36. "All Next's Factory Lacks Is Orders", _New York Times_. December 24, 1990. pg 23. 37. U.S. Bureau of Census, p. 413. According to the labor theory of value, as the value (exchange value, that is) of other commodities drop, so does the value of labor power, itself a commodity. Since price gravitates around exchange value, the price of labor power, i.e., wages, would drop as well. 38. "Help Not Wanted," _Business Week_, December 23, 1991. 39. Fusfeld, 1988. See also Gandy, 1987 for a discussion of "information-rich" versus "information-poor." 40. "The rich are richer--and America may be the poorer," _Business Week_, November 18, 1991. 41. Miller, 1991. 42. "New York State's prison system has quietly imposed mandatory work policies, locking inmates who refuse work in their cells for 23 hours a day and then blackballing them when they come up for parole... For [their labor] they are paid 60 cents a day at the start for a normal 40-hour workweek." "New York State Prisoners Work or Else." _New York Times_. Jan 27, 1992. 43. Peery, 1992. 44. "A Great Leap for software -- and Business", _Business Week_ editorial, September 30, 1991. 45. This process is no different than earlier efforts to break the power of skilled production workers. The automatic spinning mule, the cylinder textile printing machine, and the wool-combing machine all undermined the power of specific skilled textile trades. (Barsalla, p. 111). 46. "Thousands of Electronic Jobs Vanishing." _San Francisco Chronicle_. December 4, 1991. 47. "Both Tandem and Amdahl make large computers. That segment of the industry has suffered as customers move computing tasks to networks of inexpensive desktop machines." "Two Computer Makers Report First-Ever Losses." _San Francisco Chronicle_. January 24, 1992. 48. Or Colorado or Texas, for that matter. Apple built its latest factory in Colorado, and located its technical support staff in Texas, because costs were cheaper there than Silicon Valley. "American Firms Send Office Work Abroad to Use Cheaper Labor," 49. _Wall Street Journal_, August 14, 1991. 50. Describing a recent arrangement between a Russian computer design team and U.S. computer manufacturer Sun Microsystems, the _New York Times_ reports: "The [Russian] team's full-time effort will come at an astoundingly low price for Sun. Its members will be paid a little more than their current salaries of a few hundred dollars a year in American dollars... Top American computer designers sell their services for $100,000 a year or more, but both Sun officials and Mr. Babayan said the Russians on the new team could not be paid that handsomely without engendering bitter feelings among their colleagues or causing inflation in the Russian economy... Other high-technology companies are searching for similar windfalls..." "Russian Computer Scientists Hired by American Company," _New York Times_. March 3, 1992. 51. The Boston 3 case is a recent example. The technical skills of three engineers, who were active in Irish support, was used against them by the prosecution. Knowledge, when combined with political conviction, now seems to be sufficient grounds for prosecution and conviction. 52. According to U.S. census figures some 7% of U.S. housing is vacant (U.S. Bureau of the Census). San Francisco, with an estimated homeless population of 6,000 to 12,000, has 22,000 vacant housing units (_San Francisco Examiner_, April, 1991). 53. Sivanandan, p. 8. 54. See, e.g., Hill, 1975. 55. Branscomb, 1986. -------------------- REFERENCES Barsalla, G. (1988). _The Evolution of Technology_. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Baumol, W. and A. Blinder (1979). _Economics: Principles and Policy_. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Berliner, J. (1976). "Prospects for Technological Progress." In J. Berliner (1988), _Soviet Industry from Stalin to Gorbachev_. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Branscomb, A. W. (1985). "Property Rights in Information." In B. Guile (ed.) _Information Technologies and Social Change_. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Cleveland, H. (1985). "The Twilight of Hierarchy." In B. Guile (ed.) _Information Technologies and Social Change_. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Cohen, S. and J. Sysman (1987). _Manufacturing Matters:The Myth of the Post-Industrial Society_. New York: Basic Books. Costello, Michie, and Milne (1989). _Beyond the Casino Economy_. London: Verso. Forester, T. 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Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications, Inc. (6/10/92/online version) Jim Davis Michael Stack